
3years 210days

A few days ago Katie found a feather. She asked what we could do with it. I had a brief moment of inspiration. I said we could make it into a pen. She remembered this morning, hunted out her feather and presented it to me. She then went and got a pen and also presented it to me, expecting me to somehow combine the two. So she was quite fascinated when we cut the tip into shape and I offered her a little pot of paint. She took a bit of paint on its "nib" and was rather pleased to discover she in fact could write with her feather.

We had a lovely steady morning. She did lots of drawing and colouring. She had a massive doll play time. At one point, she'd got a new basket liner that I have bought for work and laid it on the floor. She'd lined up several of her babies on it ready to take their photos! She also said today that she would like a pink camera cake for her next birthday. And presents with Father Christmas on them.

We went into town early afternoon (once I'd removed her from her princess dress and oversized sweater to transplant her into something a little bit more socially acceptable for the party this afternoon!) and bought a birthday present etc. We sat in the coffee shop wrapping them, and indulging in a ccino each. It was then time to head to her little friend from nursery's birthday party. Her and her friends charged energetically and with great emotion (of both ends of the spectrums as expected in a room of 3year olds). They generally were fabulous. A large part of Katie's time was spent "building an airplane" from soft play. She found it very hard when her friends couldnt see her vision for it - including taking away her steering wheel. The airplane was turned into a large house but even on the way home, her friend kicking her steering wheel's pieces away was her first comment as we chatted about the party on the way home!

As we headed home I asked her if she wanted to go on a bike ride when we got back. She had a bit of a go, but I soon realised she was far too tired for that. So at 5.45 she was in jammies, we read a story and she fell asleep in her bed with her head on mama's shoulders. I thought that was Katie down for the night, but at 7 she woke again and is now snuggled drinking milk. We shall see how this pans out!

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