What, Me Worry?

We can now understand why U2 wrote I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For. We've had an enjoyable day, but we spent a lot of time getting lost, and cold. Mrsfb says chilled to the marrow.

I could write loads but I am tired so I will just say we've been on the top of a very cold, open top, hop on hop off bus, going in the wrong direction really to Phoenix Park where we eventually found the zoo, after thawing out in a pub. We got lost going around the zoo too, but eventually found the elephants and the orangutans. The elephants were hiding but looked playful and happy. The orangutans looked a bit miserable, despite having a super enclosure to play in.

Things are already hotting up around Temple Bar (extra), so we've decided to eat in the hotel this evening and avoid the Saturday evening mayhem.

One year ago:
Another Shop Window

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