Seaweed versus manky old balls

Today we met our friend, Angela, at 'Long Rock' and walked along the beach to 'Marazion', where the humans had lunch at the 'Godolphin Hotel'. The Godolphin Hotel is extremely nice and very dog friendly. There were loads of doggies there and the first thing the waiter did, was bring me my very own bowl of water. How nice was that?

Godolphin Hotel is probably the poshest place I've ever been to. Even though I'm 4 years old, I've not really been out to many pubs/restaurants. (Pretty much two years of my life have been spent in lockdown?!) When Ann owned 'MollyCollie', she worked 9-6 every Saturday, so would collect Molly from her dog sitters and then take her to the pub for an after work drink with her colleagues, so Molly learnt how to behave in pubs pretty quickly. …........Sometimes I hate being compared to MollyCollie. Grrrrrr.........

However, my behaviour today was pretty much perfect. I mostly just lay under the table in good dog mode. Obv I got excited when people made a fuss of me.

Ann's not really sure how she feels about this growing trend of taking dogs everywhere with you. She thinks that in coastal & country areas, where people are out walking, it's nice to be able to have a proper meal with your four-legged friend. But, dogs in the city?....................... why do they have to go into shops? If you're shopping, why would you even want to take your dog? It's not exactly going to be much fun for us is it? I'd hate to have to sit in a changing room with my human and watch her try and squeeze her fat body into something that doesn't fit her. Lol! I'd rather have snooze time! It's the same with city restaurants. It's not exactly like we'll have had a big hike to get there is it? Ann recently read a review on Trip Advisor about a couple who had gone to a restaurant in Edinburgh, and although they had loved the food, they had hated the fact that they were 'tripping over dogs'. The response was..................... 'if you'd told us you didn't like dogs, we could have sat you away from them.' Fair enough I suppose. Ann doesn't like 'squealy brats' and she certainly wouldn't choose to sit next to them. But, in a city, there's enough restaurants for Ann to avoid the ones where she knows squealy brats will be!!! Also, I have to say, all of us doggies in the Godolphin today were extremely well behaved. And to be honest, in the economic climate of today, the hospitality industry has to do everything it can to encourage people to come in. My humans checked out three pubs in Marazion cos Ann thought the Godolpin was too posh but two of them were closed Mon-Wed and the one that was open, wasn't serving food.

…...............And to get back to the title of this BLIP   ......................... 'Seaweed versus manky old balls'........................... 

Ann deliberately didn't let me play with my ball today because I'd played with it a lot yesterday and she thinks that too much jumping could put too much pressure on my joints.

Obviously I devised a very clever cunning plan because I'm super clever. Do you want to know what I did?.............................. I found a rather lovely bit of seaweed, so I dropped it at Angela's feet because I knew that she would throw it for me. She did!! I got to run after seaweed all the way along the beach. Yay!

After lunch, we had to walk back to Long Rock so Angela threw seaweed for me again because Ann said that no way was she going to pick up stinky seaweed. And then guess what I found?......................... a manky old tennis ball. Yay!!! Angela threw that for me too.

I like manky old balls better than seaweed so I carried it all the way back to the car, and then I brought it into the house, and guarded it for half an hour, and now Ann has put it into my toy bucket.

I've had a lovely day but I'm lying flaked out now.

Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend 'Luna' for a walk so I need to conserve my energy.

Toodles. xxx

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