Time is running out!!

We've only got two more days left in our Cornish home. It feels like we've only just arrived. My human is writing a book; 'My life in lock down', and she had planned to do a little bit of writing every day. That hasn't happened. She's written one paragraph. Lol!!!
The trouble is........... two and a half weeks isn't long enough to get into any sort of a routine. Obviously, she has wanted to meet up with all her friends and I still need my walks every day. Socialising and walking me makes her tired, so for the rest of the time she's just been slobbing around watching TV. Oh well, ho hum, we're planning on returning in a couple of months and Ann has this romantic notion that she'll sit on the sun terrace, gazing out to sea, whilst writing her book and turning into a bronzed beach babe??!! As if? #watchthisspace

Anyway, today we went to Hayle and met our friends, Derek & Margaret (who own Luna the Golden Retriever) and Charlotte, so that us doggies could have a play on the beach together. We had a lovely walk, but it was very windy. And Luna kept having to go back onto her long lead because she's still practising her recall.

After our walk we went to Lula's for lunch. Another very dog friendly place and very big portions. Ann had ribs & chicken wings and she didn't share. She was however, very pleased with my behaviour. I just lay under the table in good dog mode.

This is a photo of me and Ann at Hayle harbour on the way back to the car.

Obv I went out for another walk this afternoon but I'm lying flaked out in my bed now.  And Ann has a 'Ressie Ass. Meeting' tonight. Via Zoom?!!!  Why does nobody want to meet in 'real life' any more? My human doesn't think she'll ever get used to doing everything online. She HATES it!!!


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