Prayer walking treasures

I had the morning chatting with people and prayer walking...I looooved this heart padlock hanging over Sa Penya, this image gave me plenty of things to pray about. I love how an image can be a springboard like that. I've added into extras the view as I walked down from the top of the Old Town - I just love the hills here. 
Today was the start of Carnaval celebrations in Ibiza - the kids had to wear something ridiculous on head and neck. Asha had a flashing pink unicorn hat (that belongs to Danny!!) and a welsh dragon bowtie which she's extremely proud of (Danny's from Cardiff). We collected the kids and headed to our tree to eat our lunch - such a restorative hour. 
Jud came over when the boys were in prison. She and I swapped with them and they fed the kids and she and I headed out for a bite and a proper cath up. I really miss her living here.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A gift from Mitch - a handmade photo frame with a pic of us and him (at our tree!) in it. He'd made it out of coffee stirrers and used netting from clothing to create a hinge for the stand. I'll add a pic in extras. Beautifully crafted and extremely touching. Mike, you'd be impressed by his craftsmanship!
2) Prayer walking this morning. 
3) An evening with Jud - a rare treat. She's a soul sister that one.

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