El Pop!

'Pop' is Catalán for 'octopus'. Today's Carnaval theme was something silly on head, neck, and feet. Asha decided she wanted to turn her hair into an octopus, so we sprayed it blue and added googley eyes. She was pleased with the result.
Danny and I dropped a little Valentine's gift off to Claire before heading to get breakfast together...in fact the breakfast we were meant to have on his birthday but didn't manage to because of Nate's illness! For each thing I'd planned on his bday there was a clue he had to solve to work out where and what the thing was, so he had the clue for breakfast and worked it out after a while!
We had the best and cheapest eggs benedict we've ever had, and with a lovely Old Town view. We couldn't work out what the catch was, but there didn't seem to be one!
We went our separate ways afterwards. Danny went off to the garage as our car has been playing up. Sadly its the water pump that has gone and is hugely costly to repair. I met a new homeless guy, French... He seemed lovely but incoherent and rambling. He needed trousers repairing so we took them to a local seamstress.

Caña Club tonight and we had a couple of new people. One woman who moved to the island only a month ago and is feeling lonely.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Time with Danny.
2) Meeting Medí.
3) Caña Club being family to so many.

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