Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Bluebells and Cockle Shells

My garden continues to bloom. I think it quite likes all this precipitation. But I, for one, am quite glad the weekend forecast calls for sun!!

You may be getting tired of all the flower blips, so I'll warn you now I have a few more still in store. The various rhododendron should be peaking soon and I hope to capture them in the next week :)

Today was a rather lovely break from an arduous work week. I went to book club this morning where we discussed Jasper Jones by Craig Silvey. I had to confess I am only half way through the novel, thus am grateful we managed to engage in interesting conversation around the plot and characters without spoiling the end - as I do hope to finish reading it.

The afternoon was full of errands, but the evening ended in great fun with friends over for Friday night pizza and Canasta. My daughter also baked copious quantities of oatmeal chocolate chip and white chocolate macadamia nut cookies. I allowed myself a day off from dieting, as I've now lost 17 pounds (in 2 months) and am feeling quite good about myself. I've got 8 weeks to loose 5 more pounds and reach goal weight before my trip home to the US. That should be manageable. I'm planning a long bike ride tomorrow and a run on Sunday to kick-start my renewed fitness commitment.

So, have a happy, blippin' good weekend, everyone!

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