An Officer And A Gentleman

Well what a day a I've had today I met up with my best mate Stevie for our monthly trip to court to visit the public gallery and watch a trial in Progress at the High Court in Edinburgh on a beautiful day in Edinburgh but it was short lived due to a prisoner in the cells below our court going off an a tangent that it caused the trial to be adjourned so it was down to the Filling Station Pub come restaurant for a couple pints of Caffrey's beer followed by another two pints of Spring Equinox at Deacon Brodies pub along with a further two pints of Caffrey's and four vodkas and diet coke so I'm half pissed writing this journal this evening lol so as we sat in the Filling station first time around it was great to watch the Parade of the Naval staff from HMS Edinburgh which sadly is being decommissioned but it was nice to watch from the bar and after it was over me and Stevie headed to Deacon Brodies pub for another couple of drinks when all the naval staff were allowed to let there hair down with a few beers and well deserved I say having both my parents in the RAF and myself doing a short period with The TA's in the Royal Military Police back in the nineties so I take My hat off to all who have served our country with distinction so it was back to the filling station for a second time and Graeme from my three amigos reunited blip a few days ago joined us and we were waiting inside to see if a table would become available outside and Graeme noticed first unfortunately his stroke he had a couple of years ago left his left side rather weak and in his rush to grab the table he knocked his chair over and was sprawled over the floor lo I shouldn't laugh but Graeme was laughing the most so me and Stevie lifted him up so he could grab the outside table in the sun as it was a cracking day in the sunshine in the old town of Edinburgh today so if there is any typo mistakes I am sorry but my blurred vision after my ten drinks today may have caused me to mistype who knows any how my movie for the day has to be the same as my title which is " An Officer And A Gentleman 1982" on a side not a big thanks to Petty Officer Crash (Danny) for allowing me the honour of putting his uniform Jacket on along with his cap if I had known the parade was on I do have an HMS Edinburgh Sailors hat in the house and I could have joined them in the parade but it was a great day with a great friend and my phone battery went totally flat texting a lovely friend of mine making them jealous of my nice beers I was quaffing down so this is my blip for the day it was nice to dress up again the last time I was in Uniform was with some of my fathers old RAF uniform back on my April 22nd blip last year BTW the hand gesture relates to Hearts beating Hibs 5-1 in last years Scottish Cup Final lol

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