Yn crwydro sensitifrwydd
Yn crwydro sensitifrwydd ~ Wandering sensitivity
“When you first perceive something, there is a shock of no conceptual mind operating at all. Then something begins to occur. You begin to perceive: whether you like it or not, you begin to see colours and perceptions, to open your eyes. So that non-reference-point mind can become highly powerful and extraordinarily sensitive.”
― Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
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Roedd Nor'dzin wedi cael ei grŵp cerddorfa heddiw. Maen nhw'n cwrdd mewn eglwys yn y Rhath am ddwy awr. Heddiw es igyda hi i gael y gyfle i grwydro o gwmpas y Rhath yn tynnu ffotograffau tra roedd hi'n canu ffidil gyda'r cherddorfa.
Mae'r gwaith cartref yn ‘A Year with My Camera’ y wythnos hon i'w defnyddio ISOs gwahanol - mewn geiriau eraill, chwarae gyda'r ffotosensitifrwydd. Ffeindiais i rai o saffrymau yn tyfu mewn un o'r parciau ac roedden nhw'n edrych fel pwnc da am y gwaith. Rwy'n gosod yr agorfa a chyflymder y caead fel bod ni fyddai'r camera yn gwneud iawn tra roeddwn i'n newid yr ISO. Yn ôl y disgwyl, gwnaeth ISOs iselach yn cynhyrchu ffotograffau tywyllach, tra gwnaeth ISOs uchel yn cynhyrchu ffotograffau disgleiriach. Gwaith cartref wedi ei orffen!
Gwnes i barhau fy nghrwydriad o gwmpas y Rhath yn edmygu'r parciau, yr hen dai mawr, a'r ffordd roedd cymysgedd o dai a siopau sy'n gwneud cymuned dda. Mae'n rhywbeth dydyn ni ddim yn cael yn yr Eglwys Newydd - does dim siopau cornel yn y strydoedd yn agos i ni.
Yn sydyn, tra roeddwn i'n cerdded ar hyd y palmant, gwnes i deimlo poen trywanu yn fy mhen-glin. Roedd e tipyn bach o sioc, yn enwedig oherwydd nid oedd achos amlwg. Prynais i goffi mewn un o'r nifer o siopau coffi ac yn parhau fy nhaith yn ôl i'r Eglwys i eistedd i lawr y tu allan i wrando ar seiniau'r gerddorfa oddifewn. Roedd fy mhen-glin dal yn ddolurus, felly roeddwn i'n hapus i eistedd i lawr am dipyn.
Pan roedd y gerddorfa wedi gorffen, gwnaeth Nor'dzin dod i'r amlwg hapus iawn ar ôl sesiwn mwyaf pleserus. Aethon ni yna ar draws i weld Richard, Steph a'r plant am awr cyn seiclo adre. Roedd tipyn o antur yn seiclo adre oherwydd bod dydy goleuadau Nor'dzin a fy mhen-glin chwith ddim yn gweithio yn briodol, felly roedd e'n teimlo fel taith hirach a fwy anodd nag arfer.
Roedden ni wedi blino iawn pan gyrhaeddon ni adre felly gwnaethon ni archebu pitsa am ein cinio - syml, cyfleus a flasus iawn hefyd.
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Nor'dzin had her orchestra group today. They meet in a church in Roath for two hours. Today I went with her to have the opportunity to wander around Roath taking photographs while she played the violin with the orchestra.
The homework in 'A Year with My Camera' this week is to use different ISOs - in other words, play with the photosensitivity. I found some crocuses growing in one of the parks and they looked like a good subject for the work. I set the aperture and shutter speed so that the camera wouldn't compensate while I was changing the ISO. As expected, lower ISOs produced darker photographs, while high ISOs produced brighter photographs. Homework done!
I continued my wanderings around Roath admiring the parks, the big old houses, and the way there was a mix of houses and shops that make a good community. It's something we don't get in Whitchurch - there are no corner shops in the streets near us.
Suddenly, while I was walking along the pavement, I felt a stabbing pain in my knee. It was a bit of a shock, especially because there was no obvious cause. I bought a coffee in one of the many coffee shops and continued my journey back to the Church to sit down outside to listen to the sounds of the orchestra inside. My knee was still sore, so I was happy to sit down for a while.
When the orchestra had finished, Nor'dzin emerged very happy after a most enjoyable session. We then went across to see Richard, Steph and the children for an hour before cycling home. It was a bit of an adventure cycling home because the Nor'dzin lights and my left knee weren't working properly, so it felt like a longer and more difficult journey than usual.
We were very tired when we got home so we ordered pizza for our dinner - simple, convenient and delicious too.
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Saffrymau melyn yn y parc.
Description (English): Yellow crocuses in the park
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