Dail at bob clwyf
Dail at bob clwyf ~ Leaves for every wound
“I bob clwyf, eli amser – for every wound the salve of time.”
― (Diarhebion Cymraeg)
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Roedden ni'n brysur iawn heddiw - gwawr i'r cyfnos - a thu hwnt. Roeddwn i'n hapus fy mod i wedi tynnu'r ffotograff hwn o'r Vinca yn yr ardd yn y bore oherwydd doedd dim cyfle arall yn y diwrnod.
Un o'r enwau o'r Vinca yn Gymraeg yw ‘Dail at bob clwyf’ - mae lawer o briodweddau meddyginiaethol gyda fe. Rydw i'n hoffi'r ffordd bod yr enw yn Gymraeg yn anfon i mi ffeindio allan mwy am y planhigyn (pan mae'r amser gyda fi!).
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We were very busy today - dawn to dusk - and beyond. I was happy that I took this photograph of the Vinca in the garden in the morning because there was no other opportunity in the day.
One of the names of the Vinca in Welsh is 'Leaves for every wound' - it has many medicinal properties. I like the way that the name in Welsh sends me to find out more about the plant (when I have the time!).
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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Vinca - periwinkle
Description (English): Vinca - periwinkle
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