
It was good to be back indoors this morning for my Sunday coffee with my Merry Widow and to be able to chat, discuss  and make sense of some of the current news items. 
I find that friends within my age range ie with a senior railcard, have similar views on aspects of this crazy world we live in at the moment. Of course we think the younger generation are all mad or misguided but definitely wrong. Sometime I feel my grandchildren think I have  passed my ‘sell by ‘date. I imagine it was ever thus through out the generations.

I went for a walk this afternoon but missed the sun which disappeared as soon as I left  the house. However it was bright and people were out in droves. The Meadows tennis courts were full. En route I popped in to see Daughter#2 who was back from her conference and I managed to bag a blip of Imogen and Theo who were the only two siblings at home today.

Sundays can sometimes be hard days to fill, but today has been good. 
As an afterthought, also good was the news that yesterday Scotland won the Calcutta Cup for the third year running. I’m sure the BBC found it hard to mention that in the news!

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