Precious ‘drops

They are springing up all over the lanes and garden, much loved patches that I go and look at or new ones being discovered.  I can’t of course remember where the ones I planted in the green actually are but there seem to be more in the garden than there were last year.  I like photographing this patch as they were high up in a bank so I didn’t have to prostrate myself to find them. 

Pilates first thing and then hit the phones for the morning before doing some catching up in the afternoon 

V has gone to Bristol with the dog for the night and so the house felt v empty.  I watched All Quiet on the Western Front - which was traumatic.  It is stunningly beautiful and powerful,  and bracing to see the war from the German point of view but still brutally familiar images of carnage.  The arrival of the tanks was astonishingly shot and of course brought us right into the present.  

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