Turn off heater!

And so it begins with the post-it notes.  I have always prided myself on my memory, not retentive like one of my brothers but good on ‘need to know’ but I keep forgetting to turn off the heater in my office which has to be expensive.   The heating system in the house is so complex that Vikram has spent two years mastering it with the result that we must be the only household who has, if not lower bills, at least bills that aren’t as bad as we feared. 

Day started very badly. I had early Pilates in Midhurst, ran late, tried not to rush but when I saw the traffic backed up down the high street swerved to park in the old town.  I got confused by the one way system and drove into a woman taking daughter to school I was profusely apologetic and she and I calmly exchanged details whilst a man yelled at us to move out of the road. 

Home to do a zoom and then decided not to go up to London and had a peaceful day working at home.  

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