At the Olympic Park

First train cancelled but I went to meet B and Ivy at her Downs Exchange physical therapy session in fashionable Hoxton.  I was hoping to join in but arrived too late on the delayed subsequent train.  We went out for lunch in Ozone with Ivy having her nap in her push chair.  Ozone was a lovely modern place with great coffee but also chunky modern brunch-y type food.  I had a terrific kedgeree…

We then went back home, held Leo for a bit who was awake, introduced Ivy to the toy version of Woody I found - great delight -  and then she and I went to the park.  She resisted the swings so we just walked round the marshy part of the Olympic park down by the River Lee which one always forgets is a big fast flowing river. I lived close to it in the 80s.  I remember once seeing what I thought was a flotilla of swans coming towards me and then realising it was huge chunks of polystyrene… it appears to have been cleaned up quite a lot.  

This picture is a sculpture of a deconstructed phone box and I liked how it picked up the red of her coat. 

Home, and Hannah had arrived from Santa Cruz so we had a jolly dinner. I was extremely tired! 

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