Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Spring flowers

It may be winter outside, but in my house it is spring with these beautiful flowers! I photographed these in natural light coming in through the window.

Gavin was up very early in time to get to Heathrow for his early morning flight to Zurich. He has arrived in the mountains and reports that the snow is incredible, so different to when we were there a couple of weeks ago - it was white from Zurich all the way up into the mountains. He skied this afternoon and said it was -18C on the top of the mountain, not his favourite conditions at all!

I had a quiet day at home - I spent the morning researching new laptops as my Apple Macbook is over 8 years old - it is unheard of for an Apple product to last that long, I am convinced that after 3 years they are designed to slow down to a grinding halt. My battery does not last more than 15 minutes and I can no longer use some of my editing software (like Topaz DeNoise) it just whirrs away and takes half a day to process one image. I knew a replacement was due but I have been putting it off for months, but today I bit the bullet and ordered a new laptop. And as luck would have it their latest model is launched next week so it is good timing to take advantage of the latest model to last me for the next however many years.

I also changed and washed bedding, ironed it and did the other ironing so am on top of my chores! 

It will be a lazy night watching TV.

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