Being Hounded Into A Sale
Today's image of this Estate Agent's sign was again taken just because it made me smile. I'd spotted it on my early morning very icy and frosty run (it had been -6 degrees C overnight so I had four layers on and a pair of gloves).
The dog is either a Beagle or Bassett Hound, which are both types of scent hound.
I'm going for a Beagle but you canine lovers out there will be able to enlighten me if I've got it wrong. The Bassett Hound is easily identifiable as it has much shorter legs but unfortunately you can't see any appendages on the sign! Also this is purely because I found out more details about a Beagle than a Bassett Hound!
Beagles were originally developed for hunting hares, known as beagling. They possess a great sense of smell and superior tracking instincts and are the primary breed used as a detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world but are also popular as a pet due to their size, good temper and lack of inherited health problems.
Sorry I realise I've just overloaded you with facts again - yesterday it was a geese and today it's scent hounds!
Apparently you can scan the QR code on the sign to be in with the chance of your dog being featured on future signs - no idea what this has to do with selling houses though!
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