Lucky Stripes

I'd like to say today's image is a conceptual art piece that I'd created from following my art diet but that just wouldn't be true - it's actually the layer of ice that had formed on the top of an old bread bin, which we now use as an outdoor planter, after the temperature drooped to approximately -8C last night with a pair of ancient running shorts with red stripes underneath for some added colour. I can't even claim 'authorship' as it was my brother's idea - thanks bro for saving me from a blank blip day and hence today's title. Having said all that I do love the sheen and patterns you can see in the ice against those bold red stripes!

Time for another TV recommendation. In this instance it's Digging For Britain (you can find it on the BBC iPlayer) where Dr Alice Roberts examines the findings and research of British archaeologists over the course of a year including both ancient and modern sites across the length of Britain.
The episode I watched today had a fascinating story about some rebellious nuns at a forgotten medieval nunnery on the banks of the River Thames. Records from over 500 years ago documented how six nuns had run away over several years and that the nuns who remained at the nunnery complained bitterly to a representative of the Bishop of Lincoln, within whose diocese it fell and who visited nunneries and monasteries within his remit at regular intervals, about how the Prioress was enriching herself with fancy robes and gold rings whilst they lived in effective penury with tattered clothes and very little food. It did have a rather satisfactory ending to the story in that the Prioress was eventually deposed and replaced by one of the nuns whose vociferously eloquent testimony had damned the Prioress's behaviour towards her and her fellow nuns.

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