The Dress Circle

LeeAnne and I were at the Panto this afternoon- oh yes we were and in the Dress Circle too. Snow White was the production and very colourful it was too, both in the costumes and the innuendo. I doubt a lot of the latter went over the heads of the youngsters and maybe over the heads of all the elderly people bussed in from care homes. 
Naturally we had an ice cream at the interval and then a meal afterwards at Café Andaluz. 

It was a lovely afternoon following a very cold morning on frozen sand and the coldest  Porty water yet, the return drive taking in parts of the city centre you should not have to see coming back from  the seaside. The trouble appeared to be caused by the roads  through Holyrood Park closed and roadworks on the diversions causing long tailbacks. Rumour has it there had  been  an accident on Arthur’s Seat.

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