She's off

3years 205days

After three sessions on her big girl's bike, she's off!! She took a little while to build up her trust in herself, then after a few turns back and forth in front of the house with Mummy just resting a hand on the seat for reassurance, off she went. She is so proud of herself!! She's a bit hit and miss with steering at the moment, straight lines are no problem! Also, stopping tends to be fairly spectacular still. So a few things to work on but she's loving it!

She's had a good day at nursery - one of the staff stopped me to tell me how very helpful she's being particularly at tidy up time. When I arrived they were still eating tea and they offered that I could sit with her while she finished. It was lovely to see her with her little friends - all of whom were extremely animated!

Granny and Grandad were at our house when we returned. She had Grandad come outside to watch her on the bike immediately. Her and him went upstairs to play showjumping. With toy elephants. She ate a mountain of fruit, then went back outside for more bike time.

Granny arrived today with a stunning, wonderful, amazing present for Katie. She's finished her single bed sized memory quilt. It's beautiful. And it holds so many memories. There are at least 4 fabrics in there that relate to special blip friends, several that were favourite items from both her and I. Plus its a really incredible piece of quilting. It will be blipped when it can be given its full deserved glory!

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