Toddler Style

2years 206days

Katie tried the whole going to sleep stupidly early again last night, but I managed to get her to come round for a while, eat and go to sleep about 6.30 - on my lap where we both snoozed for half an hour I think, but still better than the 4.45 she was trying for! She slept through til about 4.45, apart from coming in to my bed late evening.

She was full of it this morning when she got up, and had a mad playing session. I've rearrange our lounge to make it more conducive to her playing with a lot of what she's got, rahter than forgetting about where stuff is. It's probably partly novelty value, but the big toy box that was under the now-abandoned coffee table has been the focus of serious play since I moved it all round, and she's played better with her kitchen since that went to its new home. All of which has the extra bonus of uncluttering the line of sight from the big window for naturally lit pictures. As a fellow blipper said yesterday, its when you are rearranging your room and the light/clutter in the background etc becomes a serious motivation for changes!

I chose her main outfit this morning, the noah's ark dungarees, and she was rather excited about having them on. She then accessorised them with bright pink sandals and her velvet victoriana cape. It was quite a combination!

As we cycled to nursery this morning, she chattered a lot about the run that we'd watched yesterday - she remembered seeing her uncle running, very very fast, as she told me, and remembered about lots of other "mens".

When I dropped her off, she had a momentary whinge but when I got to the gate, she was stood at the playground with one of the staff waving excitedly at me. A very lovely sight.

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