Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another phone call from the surgery - they’re really taking an interest now, after the suggestions from BUPA perhaps… The doctor just wanted to go over the blood tests - nothing drastic, just ‘a bit high’ here, and ‘a bit low’ there. Though she did say that statins can cause muscle pain. I’ve been on them for years, since my stent. So she’s halving my dose to see if it makes any difference. 

Also got a phone call asking me to come for a ‘leg scan’. They really are taking an interest!

JR went to the gym, I took Archie out for a walk. The bad news is that my new shoes are not the comfy things I initially thought. Note to self: don’t wear them when walking the dog.

We then got the bus down to the cinema. I have a Times subscription, and they have a two-for-one cinema deal on Wednesdays at the posh Everyman cinema. I’d spotted ‘Empire of Light’, starring Olivia Coleman, Colin Firth, Toby Young, directed by Sam Mendes - that sounded like a good bet… How wrong can you be!! It was DIRE. I could barely sit through it as it went on and on and ON. That’ll teach me never to go to a movie without having read any reviews.

Chrissy came for tea as she’d missed out on lunch yesterday and we had leftovers. That ‘snake pie’ with salads was just as delicious as yesterday.

Pip update: The vet bill must be horrendous. He had to stay in and be sedated today to have the infection cleaned out. He’s home this evening, wearing a body suit to drain the wounds. But he has to go in every day. Poor wee chap. His mum and dad are frantic with worry. We’re going to take him to the vet in the car tomorrow. 

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