Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

JR went off to the gym, and I drove Pip and his mum to the vet. He has to go in every day to have his dressings changed. There’s a lot of bad stuff coming out! He does look so miserable, and he’s normally such a happy wee fella. But I was pleased to see a wee weak tail wag when I went in. Fingers crossed that he feels a bit better tomorrow.

JR needed to pick up something from town, so she and Archie walked both ways. Archie likes shopping. Much better than going to cafes.

Reluctantly, I went along to the gym. I haven’t been all this week. But I did the cross trainer and a few of the arm and leg weights. And I did not go to the wee pastry shop on the way home, even though I had time, and I’d used up a spare 100 calories.

JR and Archie, on coming up the Vennel Steps, saw a crowd of folk who were filming at the top, and one of them was famous. She couldn’t put a name to the famous face. We eventually established that it was David Olusoga. He smiled at Archie and said he was a nice colour. Did she take a photo? No, didn’t think of it. So here’s ‘no weel’ wee Pip, with his peanut butter sticky beard, at the vet.

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