Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Wintry branches of a Beech tree.

The Feast Day of St. Theodosius the Cenobiarch.
I got a new Book of Saints for Christmas, and when there is no saint in my Oxford Dictionary of Saints, this new book is literally a God send, because it includes many Orthodox saints as well. It tells me who they are patron of and helpful facts, so that is useful too.
Today it is cold and windy outside and I managed to have a  blustery walk in the neighbourhood before the rain comes. it is freezing cold and 6c.
I am crocheting scarves for Age UK, so i bought acrylic wool from the discount shop, but they had no coconut halves for the wild birds. My starlings love them, so I hope to go back later in the week to see if more stock has been delivered.
Paul is going to do some plastering this afternoon and cutting wood to re frame the living room door.
I am praying my daughter does well in her interview at work for a promotion she hopes to achieve.
Keep warm and have a lovely Wednesday blip friends.

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