Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

I don't know what this is...

This time last week it was so warm, but today we have a typical cool spring day. The forecast was for rain so I took the dog for a walk in the morning sunshine, thinking I had better get out before the rain came in. Walking around I noticed so many wild flowers everywhere, and I could not stop taking photographs, thinking that I might as well take the opportunity to take photos of them while they were still around.

I do not know what this is - is this a type of hyacinth? It was too large to be a grape hyacinth so maybe you clever flora experts will know what it is. A neighbour also had the most exquisite pink flowers growing on his pavement - I asked his gardener what they were but he had no idea, although I assumed he would have planted them.

My boys are thick in the middle of exams - my middle son wrote IGCSE Physics today...'easy, mum'...but then he is a science wizard, and my eldest wrote AS German, which I think must be the worst subject with that tricky grammar, all those cases and those very, very long words like Hoechsgeschwindigkeitsbegrenzung which means maximum speed limit!

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