All Alone

We had a typical January day. This morning’s temperature was in the mid-40s but it was clear and sunny. I fed the birds and walked out to the garden. Was really pleased to see the camellia my mother started from a seed many years ago had buds and one bloom. It is past its peak but when you find a flower in January, you blip it. Hubby and I put away a few Christmas decorations/gifts, tackled some annual paperwork filing, did laundry, and other house jobs. He had an eye appointment and I picked up Chase from the bus stop. Skylar started with a stomach virus this weekend while she was dog sitting; I made her some plain rice to see if she could keep it down. She must be well by Wednesday or she will be unable to go on her class trip. We have leftovers for dinner (as usual) so we’ll have Kindle time tonight. We’ll continue the jobs we started tomorrow. Thanks for visiting and leaving gifts on my journal. Stay safe and healthy. “Even when petals have flaws, all you see is a beautiful flower.” – Adrianne Elizabeth.

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