Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

One for the records

Not very exciting but this was today's only picture I'm afraid. This is the little flower bed outside my bedroom window. It's always lovely in Spring and it's building up already. This little patch has already got, daffodils, scilla, crocus, snowdrops, sanguinaria showing through as well as primula and some flower buds on my christmas rose.
It'll be interesting to see it again in a months time.
Sunday today so Church this morning and the Feast of the Epiphany. A couple of days late but important to be marked. Lots of carols about Kings and magi.
This afternoon I noticed that I had inadvertently planted bulbs in a pot with no drainage so although they were showing through they were floating somewhat so I performed the very messy task of transferring them to a more suitable pot. Hopefully they won't notice. There's lots of growth in the garden just now with everything ready to burst through - so much work needing done too.
I had my first piece of Christmas cake this afternoon, very nice it was too of I do say so. I seem to be really tired just now, so had an afternoon doze. We had a Chinese take away for dinner so I've been thoroughly lazy.
Thanks for all the nice comments particularly on yesterday's extra of my girls. I think Josie had the best of it snug and dry inside her buggy. Both my girls took their girls to the museum today, where they had a great time. The big ones do love their little cousin. Great to watch them, such happy families I do know how lucky I am.
Oh, and Wordle in two, Worldle in three and Quordle completed too. I've given up on Nerdle, the number one - I didn't find it very challenging.
Have a good week folks .

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