Santa Rosa Creek

We gathered around Dana and Jim's table last night and were on the cookie course when I remembered to take a picture from the stair landing. I think some people were still chewing! For the record, I put that picture in extras

It rained most of the night last night and has been raining fairly steadily all day, so we sprinted down the street in a heavy drizzle this morning to check out the creek. It is looking much healthier now with no new log jams and running in full spate. We know it is running well when we can hear it from our front porch.

It has been raining steadily most of the day and Matt is driving Julia to San Francisco where she will spend a few days with a friend from college before flying home (God and Southwest Airlines willing) on Tuesday. Matt will be back here for one last night, upgraded from the blow-up bed on the multipurpose office floor, to the real bed in the guest room vacated by Julia.

In the meantime, the Christmas ornaments have been packed away for another year, the tree unceremoniously dragged out the front door and the floor swept and vacuumed of needles. They are fairly easy to sweep up. The glitter is another matter. We will be wearing it for weeks to come, I suspect. I don't know how we managed the credenza over to make a little room for the Christmas tree. I weighs a ton, but we'll wait for some younger, brawnier people to show up to move it back.

We are gathering this evening with Dana and Jim and possibly the boys one last time for spaghetti, salad and bread and whatever Christmas cookies remain. We've packed a lot of celebrating into a single week. It seems simultaneously longer and shorter than it was, but it's been a wonderful one.

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