Good bye to 2022

The house is suddenly quiet and it has been a quiet day of mist and rain. I have spent most of the day gazing up the misty canyon, burned trees mostly obscured by the mist and rain.The creek is getting higher but the landslides from the burn scar have not materialized. It has been a day of introspection and retrospection.

The Covid epidemic which began so dramatically has become, thanks to vaccines, almost a routine part of life, but lives forever changed in one way or another.

Spike joined our family and has taught us a lot about acceptance and enthusiasm.

We have learned how to enjoy life, and each other, in a less social but more satisfying way.

We have had old friends come back into our lives, others leave us and made new ones. But all have enriched life in some way and reinforced the value and importance of good friends.

I have learned to cherish being the matriarch of a wonderful family, although I was once a bit horrified by the title when it was first bestowed on me following the death of my mother.

The sky has gotten dark, and it is quiet but for the frogs which have taken up residence in our pond since the rains began. There is an air of anticipation as the hour of midnight approaches, but we will be tucked up in bed preparing ourselves for the new year.

I hope that 2023 brings satisfaction, acceptance, good health, love and joy to all my good Blipfoto friends.

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