
Only two rehearsals left before Tech and Dress so we’ve really got to get any remaining niggles sorted asap. The evening started with the recording of some backing vocals for one of the songs, to give it a bit more “oomph” before moving on to the ending which has been slightly rewritten over Xmas to give more time for people to get changed into their finale costumes. I don’t think that it affects my character though - maybe I’ll just find myself a sparkly hat or something!
Not that I’m feeling the slightest bit “pantomimey” at the moment. After the gig on Monday, my cold has returned with a vengeance. Barely slept last night due to coughing and sneezing and haven’t been much better today. Certainly no chance of me doing any singing as my voice is almost non-existent!
Fortunately I wasn’t needed for the whole night so I’m back home now, knocking back the cough medicine. I’m really hoping I feel a lot better tomorrow as we’ve got the second gig of the week in Barrow and it’s bound to be a late one.

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