1899 Australian cook book

I’m not sure I mentioned that on Boxing Day I achieved my target of walking 1000 miles this year. I felt quite pleased considering at one point I had plantar fasciitis which held me up.

For a quick lunch I made fridge slurry soup - wilted celery, carrots, sweet potato, added after sweating chopped onion and garlic with some chopped ginger, chilli and turmeric, liquidised with some left over mashed potato. It was really tasty especially with the garlic and Parmesan croutons I has made earlier with some stale sourdough. Not quite as interesting as some of the recipes in this blipped 1899 Australian cook book #2 daughter bought me. Fricassee of pigs trotters anyone? Or maybe you have a spare 2 ounces of arsenic lying around in case I want to kill some cockroaches?

My appointment for the Echocardiogram at Wansbeck was next. Apparently GP did spot something when he listened to my heart, but it’s “nothing exciting” said the young woman. Apparently it’s common in the elderly to have thickening of the fourth ventricle so the blood has to go a bit faster which is what the GP heard. Nothing to worry about she said. I’m relieved I was not a more exciting patient.

We continued to Whitley Bay to pick up the boys who are staying for the night. James wanted to play chess but our set is under masses of boxes in the loft. Thomas wants to take me on at monopoly. He’s confident he’ll win. We’ll see about that laddie.

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