Another murky day

We didn’t step outside today. It was low cloud and rain all day.

#3 daughter and children left for Kelso after Nathaniel had played with his football cards and Ella and I played knock out whist. #2 daughter and family also went to the cousins so there were 8 children from 7 to 17 there. We thought it prudent to save our safeness for New Year. I just hope Sheila and Mike are ok.

I saw there’s 35% off Blurb till 30 December so I spent the rest of the day working on a book of our short van trips plus our Suffolk week. Now my elbow is sore from mouse manipulation to add to the rotator cuff problem. Tomorrow I have a phone appointment with the NHS physio - he was supposed to ring me last week with the results of the shoulder xRay.

This is a blip of the 4 books I got from daughters and friends. I have started the walking one.

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