Early start

We were up early again for the RM run (Day 29) and there was no traffic on the motorway.  We arrived at 8.30 and the appointment was not until 9.00am so we sat in the car and waited for the doors to open!  Treatment was quick and No.1 slept on the way home.  Called into Sainsbury's for last minute bits.  Why, after spending a small fortune in the preceding days are there always 'last minute bits'.  We arrived home and the boys had moved the table and OH had started to arrange chairs and glasses and I left him to it and tackled the vegetables and other preparation and made a trifle.  We had originally booked late lunch for 2.30 but the day was running away with us so we pushed the table back to 5.15.  I contacted S&M to say we wouldn't make drinks and she was understanding.  The restaurant was packed and food not up to the usual standard.  Should have stayed home and eaten the ham I had cooked earlier.

Lazy evening and fairly early night.  No.2 popped out to see some friends and OH drove so that he could have a few beers (he had driven to Tenterden and Bedgebury so was pay back time).  

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