All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


It’s Saturday. Which means it’s parkrun day. Yes, even in The Netherlands. In fact, it’s specifically why we’re in this country!

Lots of parkrunners love to tourist. We also love challenges. There is an app we use with all the challenges on it which gets updated every week from the parkrun results. My running friends and I are ever so slightly obsessed with it. One of the challenges is to run at a parkrun which starts with every letter of the alphabet. Apart from X as there aren’t any parkruns which start with X. Some letters are easier to get than others. There is currently only one starting with a Y in the UK. And the closest I to Scotiand is a run near Stafford. The hardest letter … Z of course … as there aren’t any in the UK. Z is the only letter I’ve been missing for ages now. I was booked to go to Germany in October 2020 and was going to get my Z there. However covid travel restrictions put paid to those plans. I was then booked to go to Poland in December 2021 but 3 days before we were due to go, the government brought out the new testing requirements, which made it too difficult to do a short trip. So today was my 3rd attempt.

We got the tram to Zuiderpark, where we were part of 144 people taking part in Zuiderpark parkrun. A ridiculous thrill that you’d probably only understand if you’re a parkrunner!

The cafe in the park was mobbed afterwards. Worth waiting ages for the food though as it was the best brunch I’ve ever had!

We then just had time to get the tram back and grab our bags from the hotel before we had to check out. We left them at our friends hotel as they had a later check out time. Then went to visit the Prison Gate Museum. Small but interesting.

Back to meet Alison, Andrew & Caron again, got our bags and we headed to the train station. Our adventures aren’t over yet for this weekend!

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