Delivering Christmas cards

After falling on the ice yesterday, Ann said that today we weren't going to go anywhere that would be remotely icy. (She woke up this morning feeling like she'd pulled muscles in parts of the body that she didn't even know had muscles). Having said that, when I went out first thing, it didn't feel cold at all. In fact it's been so warm today that we can't imagine that there's any ice left anywhere.

Ann likes to think that she is an organised person, so she posted all her Christmas cards to her non Edinburgh friends on Thursday 8th December. And do you know what?........................ As far as we know, no one has received them yet. Yes, we know there's been postal strikes but what has happened to them? Where are they?

She's been trying to deliver her Edinburgh cards in person because she's too mean to pay the postage so today we walked to our friend Kay's. Kay lives about 3 miles away and after we'd delivered her Christmas card, we continued on to Silverknowes so that I could have a good run about. On the way to Silverknowes I found another manky old tennis ball lying in the gutter. Yay!

Walked from Silverknowes along to Granton so that we could jump on a no. 38 bus and come home. By the time we got to the bus terminus it was 12.30pm, we'd walked 8 miles and my human had sore feet (and sore muscles everywhere else in her body). Our bus app which at the moment is lying as much as our weather app told us a bus was due in 18 mins. The bus didn't come for half an hour and then took almost an hour to get home because there are so many roadworks all over Edinburgh. Grrrrrrrrrrr..........

We both had something to eat and then I went into my bed for a snooze. Ann lay on the sofa with the intention of catching up on some TV but she ended up snoozing too. 

…..................8 miles is a long way to walk with aching muscles?!!!

Oh and if anyone is interested; this is a BLIP of me on the 'Roseburn Path'.  Normally when I walk along the cycle paths (they're officially called shared pathways) I have to stay on my lead because there's too many cyclists whizzing by.  Today there were hardly any cyclists about.  Yay!

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