Still icy. Very, very, icy

My human slipped on the ice and fell AGAIN. Honestly, she's turning into a right old lady?!!

When I went for a little trek around first thing, Ann actually thought that it felt a lot warmer than of late, so she didn't even put her thermal gloves on when we went for my big walk. And as for wearing 'grippers' on her walking boots...................... well why would she, when she thought all the ice would be in the process of melting.  All the ice was NOT in the process of melting?!!

We went to Blackford Pond first and all the poor little ducks and swans only had one little bit of unfrozen water in their pond. I didn't care what the ducks and swans were doing because guess what had just run up this tree? Yes, a squirrel, but I couldn't catch it because I haven't learnt how to climb trees yet.

Anyway, after our visit to the pond, we went down into the Hermitage. OMG?!  The Hermitage was like one big sheet of ice. The path goes along by the burn and at the other side of the path there are woods, so the last few times we've been there (at least 3 times since last weekend), Ann's just walked on the leaves at the side of the path. Today even the leaves were like a skating rink. Obviously the whole world has been walking there for the last 10 days and all the ice/snow has just become very compacted.

So, there we were............... I was zooming around all over the place because I have four paws and short legs, which are near the ground, when crash, bang, Ann skidded and fell down.................. 

As she was lying on the ground, wondering if she were dead, she could hear someone running towards her. A 'very nice young man' asked if she was OK. Trying to give the impression that she was a 'young, fit, independent, desirable, babe', she said, 'Yes, I'm fine thanks.' ….....Obviously she wasn't fine.  She had to turn around and crawl on all fours in an attempt to get up. She got up eventually and the 'very nice young man' said, 'Would you like me to help you along the path?' Ann said, 'No, I'm fine thanks.' ….......And then she realised that no way was she fine. The path, as far as she could see, was just a sheet of ice and my human hasn't been ice skating since she was 14. So she said, 'If I could just hold onto you for a little bit, that would be really helpful.' Ann held onto the 'very nice young man' for about 10 mins, while his wife/girlfriend/partner/friend just trotted along behind, and eventually we got to a bit of the path where there was no ice. Phew!!!

And after another 10 mins, we got to the main road so it was only another 20 min walk after that. Phew!!!

And the moral of the story is............................... My human should always carry her 'ice grippers' with her when she's taking me on a big long walk away from the main roads.......................

PS - If anyone is interested...............  I was absolutely no help to Ann at all when she thought she was dead?!!  .................I was off playing with the very 'lovely young man's dog'.  He was some sort of Pedigree thing, but he had very long legs so he was skidding about almost as much as my human..............

PPS - Ann says we might go to the beach tomorrow.  Apparently 'sand' will be safer for both of us.

PPPS - My human doesn't feel well at all.  She feels like she's pulled every single muscle in her body.

Happy Sunday Evening Blippers. xxx

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