
By HarrythePotter

Cold sky.

At home as the sun set the sky was fantastic.

With everything frozen solid I wasn't really sure what I'd be doing at my customers but I had some gifts to deliver so wanted to see each of them.

The first customer wanted me to use a plunger on her kitchen sink, it was draining slowly and she didn't want a Christmas blockage. That certainly unblocked it but a quick check under the sink showed the trap had been leaking for some time and was now blown apart. A 2 hour visit turned into emergency clearing and dismantling of the cupboard, a dash to the plumbers merchant's with the trap in hand for advice, cleaning, repairing the leak and replacing everything. 4 hours after getting there I was frazzled but everything was back, leak free and working, phew!!

The rest of the day was thankfully uneventful.

We went out in the evening with RF's son and daughter and boyfriend for a meal. The food was lovely but the restaurant cold. It was the first time in a fortnight RF had been well enough to leave the house, define a good sign!

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