All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Windvane Family

It was nice to actually get out the house for once today, even if it was only to go to the Doctors for a blood test and then down to Boots to pick up a prescription! At least it enabled me to have a slight change of scenery for things to blip!

As anyone who has ever been to Livingston before will know, it's full of roundabouts. The thing which marks it out from other similar towns is that the majority of the major roundabouts have sculptures on them. I think this is supposed to make it easier to find your way around by identifying whether or not you've already driven round that particular roundabout!

This particular sculpture was built in 1995. It is made up of five tall cone shaped towers of five varying heights, although you can only see four of them in my picture. They are all the same copper colour and each stands on two arched legs. The group of towers all have pointed arrows or dials on their tops. This makes them resemble playful wind chimes, sun dials and weather vanes. Each dial or arrow has an interesting and unusual shape cut from steel, almost like giant spurs.

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