All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Want sleep, need sleep!

Well after having said about Ethans bad night sleeping yesterday I didn't think last night could be any worse. But it was! After getting him to bed at 9pm, he woke at 11pm and for the rest of the night didn't go any longer than 2 hours between sleeps. Coupled with constant howling in between times it was a tough night. Usually I can deal with Ethan myself during the night to let hubbie sleep so he's fit for work. But last night he ended up taking over at about 4.30am as I just couldn't do it any more.

So today was another day when I wasn't feeling 100% "with it". Aside from that though it was a nice day.

Ethan had his first swimming lesson today and loved it! As usual, he enjoyed seeing the other babies and had great fun splashing around in the pool. Although he looked a bit surprised when I had to pour water over his head with a mini watering can, he didn't seem too bothered by it. And he even dealt with being ducked under the water well too. He did throw a tantrum in the changing room afterwards but as he fell asleep in the car for the next hour or so I reckon he was pretty tired.

Later on in the morning, Mrs 42 & Baby42 came round to visit. So nice to see them and have a good blether.

Ethan had another wee sleep in the afternoon and I managed a 20 minute catnap on the sofa. It's a long time since I've achieved that as it's usually impossible to co-ordinate his daytime sleeps with me!

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