All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Lazy Days

Honestly - you can't leave anything lying around in my house for long without an inquisitive cat coming along to check it out!

Seem to have spent most of my day lying on the sofa in the conservatory. I'm still sleeping very badly and last night was one of the worst yet as I ended up getting up at 2.30am after tossing and turning for nearly an hour. As a result, I've been dozing on and off throughout the day which has consisted of so on! At least the conservatory gets so warm it lulls you off to sleep. Trouble is I'm now snoozing so much during the daytime that it's probably contributing to me not sleeping at night - talk about a vicious circle!

However, on the positive side I had some really good news today so although I'm tired, I'm also happy!

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