Was cold and frosty when I woke up but no snow. Set off for As inBrackley- the roads, in particular the M1, were really busy with loads of lorries doing lots of lane swapping . We almost ground to a halt a few times for no discernible reason. Think it must just have been the volume of traffic. It got worse the further south I got. A43 wasn’t as bad but still very busy. I saw that there was snow on the side of the road as I got further down the A43 and it was a lot deeper. Road was ok though until I left the A43 to drive to As house. Country roads were slippery and not easy to drive on . I got close enough to her house and then parked and walked the last 30 minutes or so but of course that wasn’t pleasant either!! Eventually arrived 40 minutes late and had lunch and a chat. Was supposed to be going to Mk for book group but decided that once I had negotiated my way out of the village and back onto the main road I would just want to go home, so I did. Really wanted to be at book group as I knew k would have set up a wonderful evening but think it was probably the right decision. Journey home was slow but uneventful. Still no snow on M1 or at home. No photos of course so here is an EB of a fabric robin made by a member of my craft group- she is very talented!

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