Goodbye Uncle Iain

Our friend Iain has been staying with us for the last eight days. He came for two days. Delays with the new flat he is buying, meant that he stayed for longer than expected!. Now he has the keys to his new place and his furniture is being delivered tomorrow. Yay!

 …...........So it's 'Goodbye Uncle Iain'.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Iain. He always lets me sit on the sofa next to him for cuddles. And when I come back from my morning walk, he lets me jump up onto the bed with him. Ann says if she can't wash my muddy paw-prints off the white duvet cover there will be trouble??!!

Ann also loves Iain. Well, she has known him for 31 years so I guess there's not much that she doesn't know about him?!  What she doesn't love, is spending a whole week watching football & quizzes on TV??!!  Well you have to do what a guest wants don't you?

 …............Tomorrow evening, we will be back to our normal TV routine of watching soaps & dramas...........
Oh and apparently I'll be back into my normal routine of spending the evening in my own little bed and not on the sofa. Boooohoooo!!!

Good luck in your new flat Iain.  We hope you will be very happy there. xx

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