Der Floh

This little lady, Flea, is starting to give me some cause for concern. She's getting on a bit now, and I thought that her drop in appetite - and subsequent weight loss - were just down to old age. But now she's suddenly drinking a lot of water.

I'm no vet, of course, and I don't know what that signifies, but it's worrying me, as well as the Minx and Abi. Now I've admitted to myself that I am worried, I want to get Flea to the vet, but I'll have to do that later in the week as we're off to London tomorrow.

Taking all that into account, I was loath to leave her today (although I have friends who always take care of her while we're away), but I need to be in Salford first thing to catch the train, plus Hannah and Abi were coming 'round for dinner this evening.

Which they duly did. Abi arrived mid-afternoon, and, after my German lesson, the two of us walked down to meet Hannah. The Minx had prepared an amazing dhal with flat breads and onion bhajis, all homemade. All of that, along with a few glasses of wine, and some delightful company made for a perfect Sunday evening. 

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