a lifetime burning

By Sheol

The Fisher Queen

With some brighter weather in the offing, I took the chance to see if I could get some kingfisher shots, and as you can see from the two shots of this female I was in luck.  

On my travels I spotted a larger group of birders gathered together with scopes gazing into the bushes on the other side of the river.  It seems that someone had spotted a dusky warbler and they were all keen to see it.  The dusky warbler is a small warbler that you would be hard put to tell apart from a chiffchaff.  It appears only very rarely in the UK, so there was a lot of excitement.  

Having looked up the bird, I realised that my chances of actually getting a useable photo would be zero and I left them to their own devices and went off in search of kingfishers.  I saw quite a few in the end, but this female was the most amenable to having her portrait taken. 

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