
Last night's entertainment was a bit of a contrast with Tuesday's - Beck and I went to see Suggs doing his (nearly) one-man show, 'My Life Story', at the Theatre Royal. I think 'convivial' is the right word. It was nice to see an incongruous scattering of old skins amongst the otherwise sober theatre goers too (that's the Ben Sherman and red braces brigade I'm talking about; I realise that many of us 'chaps' on the wrong side of 40 are pretty much 'skins', hair-wise, by default) - I even noticed one feller in the audience with the Madness logo tattooed on the back of his head!

Been listening to and enjoying 'An Ambassador For Laing' by Dalhous today. It's a little bit more widescreen than some of the other Blackest Ever Black stuff - a bit less dank, industrial and claustrophobic - but still pretty good if you're into things in that kind of vein...

Oh, and a quick Oxfam update for anyone who's interested in such things - they've sold 'Heaven or Las Vegas' but, some reason, 'Dr. Beat' is still available!

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