My Kids

It's Tom's sort-of last day at school today - that's last uniform day, at least, as he's on study leave from now on but he'll be back for his exams and then next year for 'A' Levels. Anyway, he insisted that we re-take the traditional first-day-back photo that we did in September that neither he nor his sister like (but their mum and I do - there's a prominent copy in a frame on the sideboard. The colour in that one was a bit washed-out so I over-saturated and gave Katie, she says, red hair and Tom didn't like the fact that we'd dragged him out of bed so he's still got bare feet - precisely those things I do like about it, that is...!) They won't like this one either, of course, because it's black and white but I did do some in colour too to keep them happy.

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