Look at me!

Corin and I went down towards Northwich today to drop off a dehumidifier at someone's house (someone who Corin has done some work for in the past). We had a lovely half hour at their house, looking around the garden that they have been constructing for hte past two years, listening to the peacock screeching in the garden next door, and admiring their beautiful house (which Dave had completely redesigned and Corin had a significant hand in rebuilding and finishing.)

Afterwards we drove a little way down the dead end road and came upon the canal (not literally - we stopped before we went in!). This lovely elderly couple were sat by the little canal bridge, happy in the sunshine and each other's company - they had driven down there - I suspect that this is a 'special' place for them and probably their solitude doesn't often get disturbed except by the canal boats and walkers. Fortunately, we didn't have the stereo blasting as we came down the road :-)

I mooched along the canal for ten minutes, took a (few shots and then noticed a whole family of ducks (mummy, daddy and a number of ducklings). After legging it back to the car to get my bigger lens, the ducks then obliged me by sitting still, cleaning and preening and generally being cute. Daddy duck in particular was very accomodating, as you can see from the series here - In fact, I swear in that last shot he is looking at the camera and thinking "I hope she caught all that".

The rest, and full size images are here (just uploading - there should be 20 images if its loaded properly!)

Other than that - afternoon in the garden, reading and snoozing in the sun, whilst the washing dried on the line. Lovely day.

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