Focus on the important stuff

Most of my pictures of the Jay vs Daisy swingball match were spolit by:

- a basket of laundry in the background
- overhanging bamboo in the foreground which "made" everything else out of focus (nothing to do with me)
- general mess and clutter of the garden, it manages to look slightly bigger in real life
- naked Will and his bare butt in the foreground which he then wouldnt let me blip

As a result this is a bit blurry but lets call that an action shot and with a bit of careful cropping we can eliminate all the rest. Just a hint of next door's SOLD sign left but I cant be bothered to change it again.

It was like a masterclass in "What not to include in good composition".. But then I beat Jay forehand AND backhand, so I dont care about the photos really.

Oh and Daisy made some lovely oaty biscuits at school. I like this school cookery thing.

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