ALL Bank Holiday weekends should be like this!!

And so it was Monday and we still didnt have to go to school or work and we could stay and play with our friends a bit more. Another dog walk, sprinkler and plastic skiddy things in the garden, lunch and then it was time for me and Will to come home. Happily we managed to leave without any tears, Will normally manages a little cry of disapointment. But we made Plans for half term which is only a little more than 3 weeks away, so it is all fine really.

Home then to Jay and Daisy who I think were happy to see us, even if we do interupt their feral lifestyle. Will got a new birthday present of Swingball so we have had a bit of a play of that, I cooked up a storm for the week ahead and now I think a spot of telly.

What a truly lovely weekend. Have back blipped yesterday.....

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