Water baby (and me)

Worthing has a new swimming pool/ leisure centre thingy. It opened a week ago and Daisy and I went to give it a whirl this evening.

And ohhhh, we loved it!! I admit I am a sucker for a nice clean pool and shiny gym. It is a marvellous place, great changing rooms, lovely pool for swimming, a slidey/bubbly/ pirate ship pool and a diving/teaching pool with and up and down moving floor. We arrived with all the aqua fit ladies who made me feel super fit and agile and then swam for 30 mins. I was v proud of my girl, she did good swimming and we both enjoyed ourselves muchly.

We will go back and take the boy. I won't get to do any actual swimming then just wander round near the bottom of the slide.

In other news, the dishwasher is broken and there are armies of ants walking all over her kitchen. I need to teach the ants how to wash up.....

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