Pineapple Sage

Hubby left the house at 6:00 am to help his brother Knights prepare their monthly breakfast. I got up at 7:00, cleaned a bit and worked on ordering more Christmas gifts and updating my spreadsheet. My breakfast arrived around 11:00 and I was ready for it. I walked the property for a blip and decided to showcase the pineapple sage that is currently in bloom. Doing a bit of research, I learned of its many medicinal benefits. Among them are help with digestive problems, hypertension, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. The leaves and flowers can be used in cooking and made into tea. I simply grow them for the pineapple smell when touching the leaves and to attract bees and hummers. After a bit, hubby went to my mother’s to meet our SIL Chris so they could put the protective cover on the camper. My daughter and the children visited with my mother while the men worked. Otherwise, it has been a very quiet day. We went to dinner since we were out and hungry after Mass last night; dinner is all but made for tonight. Hoping you had a weekend as restful as ours (mine). Thanks for the visit. Stay safe and well. If so inclined, pray for our country this week as elections are held. “All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, the Challenge of science is to find it.” - Paracelsus

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